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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Ogama Island (09)

 A Foxy Opera! ;3
 Colorful Suits, FTW! :D
 What The Fook? O_O;
 Dimensional Furry Girls and Jazzy! :D
 BOO-Chan and Yuki! :3

The Cute Ghostie, and The Cute Vampire! >w<
 Hiri's Rapping! ;3
 Rap Group~ :D
 Meadow View! :3
 Whazzap?! :D
 Ack! A Giant R.O.B! D:
 Ahhhh, Fishing on a Sunset. ^^
 Ready....? ;3

Its Time for: Hide & Seek!
 Senkia Stomped on the ground HARD.

Causing everyone to be found. XD
 Senkia: ....What the hell did you feed me before I slept??
 Sasuke and Alice's Son: Naruto! :D
 Poor Sasuke.... A Baby crying is like having a drill in your ear... >3<;
 Daddy Sasuke sleeping with his Son... Awwww. e//w//e
 Frisk: Why, Hello There. <3
 Hang in There! D8
 Uh-oh, Frisk and Roll are fighting. :(

Frisk's New Move: FALCON THROW! XD
 Granny Karin: Oh Don't worry your sweet butt, sonny boy! I still got it... Hehehehe!
 The Attack of the Freckled Beast: Giga Maggie! O_O;
 Hiri...? ....H-Hello? ....Yo, Over here...! ......Focus!
 Dating at its best. :)
 Aww. ^//^
 Marius: Don't Tell Her I Said That...
 Aww, Love Sick Zatsu. :(
 Karin and Annaliese: Strike-A-Pose! :D
 Hehe, I Find it funny and cute that Annaliese running back and forth to the DJ Booth, and Computer. XD
 Kara's Showering. o///o;
 Stay Determined, With These Frisk Dolls!

Only $10 Each!
 Annaliese and Senkia, Chill'n. ^^
 Ouch, Adeleine... XD
 Annaliese is not doing so hot, on this game... ^^;
 Still Trying... ^^;
 Menis maybe falling, but at least he's falling with Burgers. XD
 Aww, How Cute... A Curled Up Karin. <3
 Ha! I've Outranked Sans! YES! >w<

.....Sorry. .w.;
 You and Me Both, Anna! D:
 That's why we need to sit down, and take a load off. ^^
 Robby found a red thread, and found Melia laying their... XD
 A Sasuke Eraser? XD
 Tina and Senkia, BFF! :D
 Spider-Man: Hmm, Cool... but i'm still not sure on the Sidekick thing.
 Yuki plays with Sans. How Cute. ^^
 Face Biting, In...3....2....1....
 Awww. >//w//< Stop it, Yuki. <3
 A Giraffe? Shares Sarna's Name? Giving Rides? AWESOME! 8D
 Mizuki Fishing with Hazel? Huh. o3o

Mizuki: I'll Catch A Big One, For Sure! :D

Hazel: Just don't get it on my new dress, dearie. ^^;
 Oooo, She Caught One! :D
Dammit. XD
 Whoa! Mega Man wants me to use the Age-o-Matic to grow him, and Jazmine into Adults, and get Married. o3o
Reading Time for Naruto. ^^

Hiri came to visit the little guy. ^//^
 Marx loves Hazel?

Those two are now a Couple. ^^
 Adeleine got Burned by Marx Wayne in the Rap Battle! D:>
That's Funny, Knowing how much of a Neat Freak, Roxie is, no wonder why She hates Inkling Girl. ^^;

Marius: Oh for Heaven's Sakes... >_<;

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